The Truth About The Sabbath Day

Many of us have been brainwashed to believe that the day of worship is “sunday” . When we look up the history of the day sunday we can see that this is the worship all around the world due to the Roman Catholic Church. This was implemented by canon law 1246-1247. And was also based on a vision of constatine the “great” .HOWEVER this does not match with the christian bible even though many “christians” worship on a sunday. Starting in Genesis chapter 1 we see that God made a blueprint on the creation. And on the seventh day he sanctified (set apart) this day because this is the day he ENDED all of his work this the day of rest called the sabbath. This has a bigger meaning than just keep it but we know that in 2peter 3:8 a day with the Lord is a thousand years. This means that we are given 6,000 years to work get our life together, do everything right on the eyes of the lord. Meaning keep his laws, feast days, and act accordingly to the word of God. Because in that 7,000th year is when he is making his return and that will be the day of rest, which is the thousand years spoken of in Revelation 20, this also the first ressurection where in the people that died in Christ will reign with him and judge with him after the   thousands years be fufilled. So the sabbath day is more than just a day we need to keep, it is also a reminder that at his coming satan will be bound and there will be only rest . But after the thousand years satan will be unbound. The sabbath is very significant to God he even hallowed it which means we must acknowledge this day ( friday sundown to saturday sundown) as the Lords day of rest. Isaiah34:16 ” Seek ye out the book and read”. God is knowledge and knowledge is power!

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