Are We Taught The Wrong Jesus?

So many of us are taught that Jesus died on “good friday” and rose early easter sunday morning. This doesnt match up with the scriptures so lets take a look 

Daniel 9:26-27, tells us that the Messiah will be cut off in the midst  (middle) of the week, which if you refer to you calenders on your phone or on your wall you will see for yourself that the first day of the week is sunday the middle of the week is wednesday and the seventh day is saturday. Now, where do we get good friday from? We learn everything from the roman catholic church this is the 4th beast in daniels dream. 

Now that we understand that Jesus was sacrificed in the middle of the week lets go to Matthew 12:40 ” For a Jonas was three days and three nights in the whales belly, so shall the son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth. 

Now lets go to Matthew 27:45-46 , to see WHEN he died. Matthew 27:45-46, ” Now from the sixth hour there was darkness over the land unto the ninth hour, and about the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice. Lets go down to 27:50 ” Jesus whem he had cried again with a loud voice yielded up the ghost”( meaning his breath of life had gone from him). 

Now we see that Jesus died wednesday AFTERNOON and he was put into the tomb that night and now we start the count down from wednesday… ( N=night, D=Day)

W = N

T= D N

F = D N

S = D

This looks to be three days and three nights but lets go further into it. Now the sabbath day as we know is friday sundown to saturday sundown because the transition represents the next day ( the evening and the morning were the next day Genesis).  Either way we put it, it would still be dark right? So lets go to Matthew 28:1 ” In the END of the SABBATH ( sundown,dark) , as it began to dawn toward the first day of the week, came mary magdelene and the other mary to see the sepulchre. Lets go down to verse 6 where the angel tells her that he is not there and that he had RISEN. This would mean he had to have rose saturday DAY considering they came in the end of the sabbath when it was already dark. Hope this helps.

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