Jesus In The Old Testament (Scriptures Overlooked)

Short blog finding Jesus in the Old Testament . The format will be the same,  comparing the Old Testament to the New Testament. Old Testament Isaiah 50:6-7 6 I gave my back to the smiters, and my cheeks to them that plucked off the hair: I hid not my face from shame and spitting. 7 For theContinue reading “Jesus In The Old Testament (Scriptures Overlooked)”

Jesus In The Book of Psalm (Scriptures Overlooked)

This won’t be a long blog, just another Scriptures Overlooked. We will see who was written of in the book of Psalm, ( Just a heads up on the set up of the scriptures. I will have scriptures from the book of Psalm then from the New Testament under to testify who it was speaking.)Continue reading “Jesus In The Book of Psalm (Scriptures Overlooked)”

What Is Sin? ( In The Old Testament)

Not to long ago I was told by someone that believed only the Old Testament that sin is “missing the mark”. Now going through the Bible I cannot find this saying anywhere, but it’s best I write on this so that those reading can be prepared to explain what sin is even in the OldContinue reading “What Is Sin? ( In The Old Testament)”

Jesus In The Old Testament – Scriptures OverlookedΒ 

Photo by Ammaad Patterson  This blog will be short , just showing a snippet of Jesus in the Old Testament. ( These formats of blogging I want to call “Scriptures Overlooked). The sceptre shall not depart from Judah, nor a lawgiver from between his feet, until Shiloh come; and unto him shall the gathering ofContinue reading “Jesus In The Old Testament – Scriptures OverlookedΒ “