Testimony to God

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Its been a while since I posted to here, but im sure everyone can see now that the world is coming to a close and the Lord is near. It is scary because of all of the things that will lead to his coming, but this is the time to ask the Lord for more faith and strength as we apporoach the great tribulation.

This year I want to try something different. I feel like I always talk about how the holidays are pagan and not of God. But this is information that can be researched easily if you want it..

Right before all of this happened I prayed to God to give me a test to prove I love him, I just didnโ€™t know it would come in this way, so be careful.

I want to talk about how at 19 Jesus changed my life, I was diagnosed with a rare blood clotting disorder that doesnโ€™t even seem to run in my family. But God knew what he was doing.

I wasnโ€™t in the truth , but I was brought up in the church so I knew that Jesus existed, and I knew that he could save my life if he wanted to. I just didnโ€™t ask him to, I learned from this pastor actually that if weโ€™re ever in a situation of suffering we shouldnโ€™t ask God to bring us out of it, but to bring us through it.

I was admitted twice and the second time I was in there a little longer. For some reason I wasnโ€™t getting any better my numbers were just stagnant. So they amped up the treatments, sometimes plasma treatments twice a day, chemotherapy, cocktails, blood thinners, but I knew who it was.

In all of these things I never prayed to get better or go home I just prayed for strength and mercy. I should have been dead. Went into acute kidney failure, had a mini stroke, but still the Lord had mercy on me.

Obviously this did feel longer than what I’m typing, and words cannot really describe the experience that I had.

Finally I was exhausted, so I did pray to God to please allow me to get better and go home. IMMEDIATELY AFTER THAT my numbers started to improve, I could move around more, within a WEEK I was able to go home all because the Lord had mercy on me. 

When I came out of the hospital I didnโ€™t come into the truth right then and there. It was gradual.

One day I woke up and I was like โ€œ what else is there manโ€ so I prayed to God to actually send me a brother who I could learn the word from.

I was on periscope, and I came across a brother streaming and the title was โ€œ Black people the real Israelitesโ€ something along those lines. ( Obviously this is not all God is about, he wants obedience and fruits of the spirit)

But I tuned in every time he came on and the word became so clear to me because the Lord had mercy and showed me the simplicity of Christ. I praise Jesus for that brother he knows who he is.

Ever since then Iโ€™ve been in remission and the Lord has increased me more and more each day. Iโ€™m still flesh, I still deal with things but I donโ€™t do it alone because the Lord is my anchor Praise the Lord God of Israel for he is worthy to be praised


I just want people to know that the God I serve is very real, and all he wants is righteousness in this world. But we have to be willing to put aside the things we want in order to please him.

Peace , love , and Praise Jesus


As always if there are any questions about the bible, any group studies you would like to have. Please don’t hesitate to email me at earthgirl373@gmail.com

2 thoughts on “Testimony to God

  1. Sis, how moving your testimony is! It reminds me of my many many trials and asking the LORD to help me, and help me not hate. You’re a blessing!


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