The Eternals Movie is Blasphemous

Marvel's Eternals: release date, cast, trailer and what we know so far |  TechRadar

One night I was on facebook, and I scrolled past a a clip of the movie “The Eternals”, the clip was of the sky or clouds departing and this “celestial” being , being revealed. When I seen it. I was completely blown away, I probably watched it over 5 times now, and the reason why is because this is how Jesus is going to return.

Revelation 6:14- And the heaven departed as a scroll when it rolled together, and every mountain and island were out of their places.

So in seeing this I had to see if there was more of this in the actual movie. I’ve only been able to clips of the movie but in seeing them I was shocked at how familiar this story seemed. It is because its based off of the book of enoch, which if you haven’t read it suggest that angels “fell” from heaven and mated with man kind and made offspring called “Nephilim”.

Right off the bat this sounds out of hand, and its because the Lord would never allow this to happen, and we have to remember the angels are created to serve, and even though satan and his angels were kicked from heaven it does not mean they can do what they want without God’s say. ( Refer to the Book of Job please).

There’s so much to unpack with this movie and its parallels to the Bible though, for example

There was a trumpet blowing when the sky rolled back/ Revelation 11:15-18

This movie apparently is supposed to be spanned of โ€œ7,000โ€ years or 7 days/ Genesis 2:2-3 ( The seventh day is the day that Jesus will reign/rest on the the earth)

At the start of the movie they use the exact words from Genesis โ€œIn the beginningโ€

These are only a few parallels…

Baring all of these things in mind it all comes back to this. They keep making movies encouraging you to fight Jesus when he comes back, the reason I say Jesus is because no one else is arriving like this but him.

From all of the comments Iโ€™ve seen about this movie it seems like some people arenโ€™t on the โ€œCelestialsโ€ side but on the โ€œEternals/fallen angelsโ€ side. Saying that the โ€œ Celestialโ€ (Please refer to 1 Corinthians 15 in its entirety) are animals and donโ€™t care about mankind.

It all sounds too familiar. They made another movie called โ€œ Noahโ€ and they are both inspired by the book of Enoch.

The patterns start to become more clear if we pay close attention, but the tactic is to try to get humans to empathize with satan for rebelling, but instead of the truth, we get the story that evil angels care about us and want to teach us. The lake of fire was make for them and they want to take as many of us as they can with them.

This movie in the short time I researched seems to be jam packed with all kinds of gods, because satan and his angels want to be glorified and worshipped so bad. ( Please refer to Isaiah 14)

satan is going to lose, and Jesus is not weak. Please donโ€™t be tricked into thinking that we can actually fight God and win when he made us from dirt. We will never win against him, but only with him.

Protect your children because the young impressionable minds are easiest ones to indoctrinate.

If you have any questions, or just want a discussion you can always email me at

Itโ€™s all love, peace

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