Leap of Faith PT.1

Leap of Faith Digital Art by Fred Caputi

Where do I begin, I guess we can start from when me and my husband used to live in Kansas lol. I was at least 26 hours away from my family, and we were pretty distanced from our church. It was always a desire of mine to have a congregation, but it slowly faded away because I just didn’t mind studying alone.

My husband on the other hand really wanted to be apart of a congregation and I was only aware of a few locations. He actually found out that they opened an Israel church of Jesus in Raleigh, since he knew that was pretty close to my family he prayed to the Lord to help us get closer to that congregation. The next day he told me he seen a car that said “Raleigh, NC”, of course his thought process he’s already mind blown as it is like why is this here so suddenly. He knew it was the Lord.

Now when he told me I thought that this meant that we should be looking for places in raleigh to live, but at the start of the year when our income tax came in we just picked up and left Kansas. It was such a beautiful journey and it felt like the Lord was just carrying us to my hometown. The plan was to go to my parents and stay with them until we find a place of our own.

It wasn’t this simple, there was some resistance on my part because I knew the place I grew up did not have good paying jobs and we would get stuck for a while. Believe it or not that’s exactly what happened, but it wasn’t just money, it was when the pandemic hit.

Looking back, I cannot thank God enough for letting us get stuck there. There’s been growth in Jesus name, and I praise Jesus. Wow…

So when we first arrived me and my husband immediately looked for work. We also learned we rode 26 hours on a raw tire so the Lord actually was carrying us.

Eventually we find some pretty good paying jobs. There came a point where he didn’t like the job ( which I don’t blame him, its sales). So he did quit and go somewhere else, but I stayed because I used to do sales and it’s over the phone so…this is better lol.

Unfortunately he got laid off for a good while because of the pandemic, but they allowed us to do remote work so the bills were still being paid praise Jesus. (Of course my parents were a huge part of helping us.)

Fast forward a couple of months and my husband has a pretty decent job, and I’m the one out of work. ( Praise Jesus)

I have this dream one night that I’m in the town, it looks deserted and just dead there’s no-one and nothing there and I walk into this little shop and see only 2 people. And I think I asked them If I could leave and they told me ” You can leave whenever you want, just look for the sign”.

So I left out of the shop and came to a car that had a pad lock with only 1 number to unlock it and that number was 9.

I prayed about what it meant, but until I was sure I just assumed that it meant save 9 checks, lol I don’t know where that came from.

So coming down the wire I’m looking for places while were at my parents, me and him are driving all the way to North Carolina to look for places. The Lord blesses him with a job in North Carolina.

Its close to income tax time, so I prayed to God that if our income tax was over 1000 we would save it to get our apartment and things for the apartment only.

I’m sure you know that God is faithful and provided us with more than enough, and in saving up we were looking for air bnbs, hotels in North Carolina while I looked for a place. Found a good deal on the super 8 for two weeks, and now the real journey begins…

Praise Jesus and thank you all for reading. There’s so much detail i’m already leaving out but I wouldn’t be able to tell all those mini blessings we got along the way without doing a part 2.

For questions or discussions i’m at Earthgirl373@gmail.com

Peace In Jesus

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