Peace and Healing in Jesus Christ


2 Chronicles 7:14~  If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

I was thinking about doing this blog for a minute…it seemed like it was at the back of my mind but I just honestly never got around to doing it. I thought that doing one like this was extremely important though because if you read my previous blogs it sounds like i’m always the victim, and that’s not the case at all.

Of course when we come into the word and we are baptized by the water we don’t actually understand that we must be baptized by the spirit also, which means that we have to confess our sins before the throne so that God can cleanse us of ALL of our filth. The baptism of the water is only an act of obedience and faith.

Without going into too much detail, I was immersed in sin, even in the truth. But GOD has had so much mercy on me that Its surreal to me that i’m alive testifying to you all this day.

There was a point where I fell severely depressed, but at that time in my life I didn’t understand that before I can just try to do everything right physically, I HAVE to confess my own shortcomings, and that is why I was plagued with so many illness and addictions.

One of my teachers said something in a lesson ” be real with your God, and be real with yourself”. Another teacher also said “satan knows what floats your boat, and you know also. So don’t fool yourself”.

Later down the line I was taught by one of my sisters that I should start to journal things that bother me, and burdens I want to work on. For the longest time I didn’t want to do that because I thought in doing so that satan would try to use those things against me, but I lacked faith , because satan is limited. He also knows what were all thinking, and what let me know that is because he was called ” wiser than Daniel”.

He knows the secret things of our hearts, and that’s why if we do not acknowledge that they’re a problem he WILL use them against us. And God will let him because were not trying to do anything to prevent or be healed of the problem.

And there were problems that I found myself just relishing in because I didn’t think they were a big deal. But the scripture says that even the THOUGHTS of foolishness are SINS against God. I want to add that these thoughts have no sustenance, or edification so they will lead to death.

When I started to pray for more wisdom and understanding, the Lord taught me to cast ALL of my cares on him and even though he knows what I need before I ask I should still ask because it shows him my faith and dependency on him. And one thing I can and you can all be rest assured in is that God will never leave us desolate.

I prayed to God to take so many devils off of me, and he seen how badly I wanted to be free so he set me free. I’m not saying that i’m 100%, sometimes I get angry with my people because of how we treat and speak to one another, sometimes I get irritated because when I talk I feel like people hear me but they aren’t actively listening ( BUT see this is something that I have to work on myself before God can give me what I want.) Sometimes the devil tries to tempt me with my old self, but God has given me strength to combat it with kind words.

I still pray to God to heal me and to reveal to me any and all uncleanness so that I can work on it because my desire is to heal my people with the beautiful words of God, and dwell with him in his kingdom in peace forever.

If you have something that is just a burden to you, I encourage you, my brothers and my sisters to fall on your knees right now and tell God everything. It doesn’t matter if its dark, if its disgusting, if its sad, as long as you want it gone our God is faithful. We still have to be respectful because he is a KING, but be vulnerable with him.

There is nothing that we can hide from him anyway, and once you’ve confessed asked him to please heal you of these things individually , and when you do that be prepared for the trials and lessons that he sends to purge us and make us white as snow.

Just know that when they come, it will not feel good but we have to ask God to call to remembrance that we asked to be healed of this, and that this lesson or trial we are in correlates to the healing process so that we can gain understanding and patience.

He is still there watching because he said he will NEVER leave us or forsake us, and he will comfort us when we come through it. I promise.

Matthew 11:28-30 ~ Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I WILL give you rest.

Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye SHALL find rest unto your souls.

For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.

I love you all, Peace in JESUS

For discussions or questions you can add me on facebook at Tawndra Israel or email me at

2 thoughts on “Peace and Healing in Jesus Christ

  1. guess what? You just helped me understand it so much clearer and I only told God I needed help with understanding it because I couldn’t find anyone out anything to help me and bam 💥 now I do. Thanks So much!!!! Love you blogs

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