“Hope In God”


This wont be a long blog, just a short testimony on what God has done for my family recently.

I said to myself a while back ” when God makes a way for us I am going to do a blog about how great he is to us.

You’re probably like ” what is she talking about?” lol, well when me and my husband found out I was pregnant it was out of nowhere I mean completely random. The place we were living in was very old, growing mold, and not in a good neighborhood ( I’ll get more into this later) but I thought the timing was interesting given I didn’t find out I was pregnant until about 10 weeks.

When we found out and I was a little more relaxed then when we first thought I was because I didn’t want to have to raise my baby there. But we just had to be content, trust in God and continue to put in the work to look for other homes.

Approaching 5 months pregnant ( I’m now 6 praise God) I started to feel a bit more urgency in getting out of the place we were in, there was only AC in our room, under the fridge was infested, there were various ways for animals to get in with the holes in the place, and worst of all the crime rate was very high. Both of our neighbor’s places had been broken into except ours, and someone was killed just a block away but God sent his angels to protect us from all of the chaos.

We decided were going to start a Gofundme and maybe raise a bit of money to pay off some bills and get into another place. But for some reason both me and my husband had a constant uncomfortable nagging feeling that we should take it down. So he did, and I was more than on board with that. For me it felt like “well this is your moment to trust and put all of your faith in God, so this should be between us and God”

Fast forward a Wednesday I was laying in bed and we had a couple of options on the table but I never know which one is the right one so I ask God to choose what he wants so that I’m not hasty in my decision and end up disappointing him. And I started to think about meditation, and repeating the same words to myself “trust in God, trust in God”. Not long after doing this my husband text me and says ” we can move our stuff today”. This was only after I had to learn to be patient, because I’m going to be honest the excitement mixed with urgency to get things set up for our baby was making me very impatient but I praise Jesus for my husband lol who was patient with me and constantly reminded me that we have to wait on the Lord.

So now that the Lord has given me the mind to be patient and content, and my husband text me the same Friday ready to move and I was expecting to move Monday lol. But him calling moving on a Friday worked out perfectly without going into much detail.

God is the same yesterday, today, and forever and I had to constantly remind myself ” we were living in a hotel and the Lord worked it out for us then and gave a place to start building in, he is more than capable of doing it again”. And he did Praise Jesus..

The moral of all of this is that for everything in life we must wait and trust in God, because my husband said something very important “The Lord gave us a baby, do you not think he’ll provide us a place” . And the Lord has provided us with a beautiful home out in the country so that we can Lord willing raise our baby in peace. Praise Jesus the God of Israel who only does wonderous things.

Peace in Jesus mighty name

For any questions or discussions feel free to email me at Tawndralance@aol.com

I love you all.

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