My Pregnancy and Birth story


So this pregnancy has been fairly smooth other than some mental and physical challenges but that comes with the territory for any pregnancy right? The upside was that God was with us and we were able to serve him continuously through it all.

I want to give my testimony of my pregnancy.

First I have to say that having a child was never something I considered or wanted , and for a while I was actually barren, until we got news that we were pregnant.

Shortly after I became pregnant I was diagnosed with Gestational diabetes which was something I was on and off again worried about because I just wanted the best for my baby, but with extensive research I found out that this is quite normal and may not even stick around or affect the baby at all so that gave me a bit of comfort praise Jesus, my sugars were up and down pretty much the whole pregnancy and there was a point when they were really high even without me eating and insulin was bought up a couple of times but I prayed to God and altered my diet as needed and with waiting the Lord regulated them at a certain point in my pregnancy so praise Jesus for his tender mercies.

I’m sure most pregnant women are familiar with preeclampsia, and I noticed that every time I went to my appointment I was asked are you “ are you taking your aspirin and prenatals” and my response was “just prenatals, why would I need aspirin though?” And they told me “Oh it’s just to PREVENT preeclampsia” but every time they checked my blood pressure they said “perfect” so that wasn’t something I was interested in taking and sure enough I was fine all the way up PAST my due date because the Lord is my strong tower and that’s it.

Last couple of weeks of pregnancy…

So my due date was November 1st and at 38 weeks I was scheduled for an induction and I was wondering why, they let me know because of my sugar ( which the Lord already regulated), the risk of a large baby, and preeclampsia. I rejected the induction because I prayed to the Lord to deliver her when she is healthy in every way possible.

When I rejected it, I was told “ okay I hope this is the right choice”. I didn’t hold on to those words because the God we serve can hear.

Here we are at 40 weeks and of course I’m ready to meet my baby but I have to remember what I prayed for because the Lords time is not mine. The midwife’s are talking of induction again and schedule it for me, to which I decline again because all of the things they are worried about are things that they haven’t even checked for. They did an ultrasound and she had lots of fluid, my sugar was great and I had no signs of preeclampsia praise Jesus!

41 weeks and we are in the home stretch little did I know lol. I went to my appointment and they check everything as usual. All vitals were good and they did a non stress test on baby girl and she did AMAZING Praise my God Jesus!

I want to say Wednesday is went my nesting went into overdrive and I didn’t even realize lol but later on that night I was having irregular contractions that was way different from previous ones I’ve had so I knew it was near.

Skip to Friday at about 3:39 am I started having regular contractions and I timed them and very quickly was told it’s time to go to the hospital. I was excited and overwhelmed because finally so we get to meet our baby girl.

Day 1

When we get there and get admitted I was still having contractions finally I was at 1cm dilated and I tried side lying with the pillow and when they came back in a couple of hours I jumped to 4 cm praise Jesus!

After this it was slow climbing and very draining but the “ the Lord is my strength” is something I had to constantly remind myself. My husband of course was amazing reminded me of our good God and helped me through the whole labor.

Hours later I was stuck at 6 cm I believe and I wanted my birth as natural as possible with no medications. But the only thing was my water wasn’t breaking which is normal because it’s my body’s first time carrying a child. I had no issue just having them break my water since she was low enough, and I already knew that would make my contractions more intense so before we did i asked my husband if he could pray with everyone in the room so they know who we serve, and whose going to get us through this.

After they broke my water the contractions were very intense and not even 2 hours later the doctor came to talk to me about medical interventions like Epidural, Pitocin, and C section all of which I said I already had no interest so I was put on a clock and this is exactly what I wanted to avoid but I still declined all of the interventions and waited on the Lord.

Day 2

The contractions were picking up and becoming much more intense but I was slowly but surely becoming more dilated.

I’m definitely not trying to make myself out to be some great woman of faith because there were moments where I felt like the Lord left me, and he wasn’t hearing my prayers but I was just blinded by pain.

I remember very clearly though praying to my God and asking him please Lord just let me get to 9 cm because at this point i was stuck at 7 cm.

After a couple of hours of intense contractions the nurse came back to check and she said I was at 9. Man when I tell you I just could not help but cry and praise the Lord because he heard me and had mercy on me. None of it is deserved.

A couple of more hours pass and finally it’s time to meet baby girl, delivery was extremely fast and even though I hemorrhaged more than I should have and I should be dead with my medical history the Lord kept me and her both safe. Through all 40 hours of labor she came naturally ,her heartbeat remained strong, my vitals were good, she came out at a healthy weight, and passed all of her test.

Just a disclaimer whatever was necessary I did allow but I will spare gory details on that. I didn’t need or want Pitocin for hemorrhaging because again that’s something they wanted me to have. They talked about blood transfusions and plenty of other things. After everything we had just went through I just looked at my husband and said “ just pray for me”. And of course I prayed too.

2 days later they said everything looked good and we were able to bring our sweet girl home. My God is an awesome God.

The scripture that gave me comfort through the trials in my pregnancy.

Yea, let none that wait on thee be ashamed: Let them be ashamed which transgress without cause.”

Psalm 25:3

For the scripture saith, Whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed.

Romans 10:11

And because we trusted him, he showed himself strong before everyone.

Praise Jesus

I really hope this encourages someone and increase our faith in Christ together. Much love in Jesus name.

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