Who Is The Abomination Of Desolation?

The Abomination Of Desolation Matthew 24 The disciples ask Jesus what would be the sign of his coming , and he explains to them the SIGNS but these are only the beginning of sorrows.  Verse 5 says thats many will come in his name saying ” i am Christ”, but this is not talking aboutContinue reading “Who Is The Abomination Of Desolation?”

(Cont.) Is Easter Christian?

Easter ( Eostre), Syrian= Ishtar Many christians celebrate easter because some either associate it with the resurrection of Christ ( refer to previous post). Or because they simply just follow the tradition. However, what are you really celebrating? Lets take a look, Easter is derived from the german or norse mythology, and what most peopleContinue reading “(Cont.) Is Easter Christian?”

Is Easter Christian?

English= Easter, Syrian= Ishtar This is the goddess of fertility and her accomplish a bunny. Now of course we understand bunnies do not lay eggs however we do know that rabbits are very well known for their need to keep reproducing ( http://www.livescience.com/28162-rabbits.html) . That is were the eggs come in. We know that a womanContinue reading “Is Easter Christian?”

Are We Taught The Wrong Jesus?

So many of us are taught that Jesus died on “good friday” and rose early easter sunday morning. This doesnt match up with the scriptures so lets take a look  Daniel 9:26-27, tells us that the Messiah will be cut off in the midst  (middle) of the week, which if you refer to you calendersContinue reading “Are We Taught The Wrong Jesus?”

Truth about speaking in “Tongues”

Sooo… Speaking in “tongues”. Lets talk about it. Next time your in church and you hear someone speaking in “tongue” PLEASE ask them what they just said. Acts 2:2-11  And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting. And there appearedContinue reading “Truth about speaking in “Tongues””

God’s Word is a Sword!-Ephesians 6:17

This blogging channel isnt going to be about me but about the Living God Jesus Christ. Many people go to church on sunday not even realizing they are being decieved as sunday is not the sabbath day God appointed to us. Im here to share scriptures in the bible and explain them in their simplicity.Continue reading “God’s Word is a Sword!-Ephesians 6:17”