Testimony to God

Its been a while since I posted to here, but im sure everyone can see now that the world is coming to a close and the Lord is near. It is scary because of all of the things that will lead to his coming, but this is the time to ask the Lord for moreContinue reading “Testimony to God”

We Are More Than Conquerors Through Jesus!

First I want to start by saying peaceful Sabbath to all that are reading. Today I want to share a bit of encouragement what with all that is going on in the world today. I want everyone to understand that nothing is new under the sun, and that which was will happen again. For exampleContinue reading “We Are More Than Conquerors Through Jesus!”

Take Christ out of β€œChrist”mas

I DO NOT OWN THIS PICTURE Christmas, a time to celebrate the birth of Christ. Right? For most of my life I hear around Christmas time ” Jesus is reason for the season”, but how would you feel if I told you Jesus wasn’t actually born on December 25th? I’m sure you would feel decieved, likeContinue reading “Take Christ out of β€œChrist”mas”

Memorial of The Blowing of Trumpets

For those who would like to participate the Lord’s Feast of the Blowing of Trumpets is coming up! If you can’t find congregation near, here are the requirements. Leviticus 23:24-25 Speak unto the children of Israel, saying, In the seventh month, in the first day of the month, shall ye have a sabbath, a memorialContinue reading “Memorial of The Blowing of Trumpets”